My Story
At age 57 I was faced with the reality of having back surgery and had to go out on short term disability from his job.
While off work I was paid 60% of my current salary for 6 months.
After my recovery I was able to go back to work and was back in the top 10% of agents within 4 months.
Then misfortune struck again. I was rear ended and lost hearing in one ear and suffered vertigo from loss of balance.
Once again I found myself out on disability, but this time it’s long term after 1 year.
Thank God I bought a long term disability policy!
Let my example be a lesson for you. Please get a quote and remember, it can happen to anyone!
The MUG program helps cover your Mortgage, Utilities and Groceries.
Also, if you don’t use it, we may be able to get your premiums back!
See the illustration below and contact me for more details.