Independant Life & Annuity Agents

Want to see if an annuity is right for you? Book a short call to see if your situation is suitable.

Also, see if you qualify to get a 15% bonus on your retirement savings.

CWT Consulting is now Doing Business As
Independent Life and Annuity Agents, Inc.


  1. Using my initials was a bit selfish when I brought on other agents.
  2. We weren’t recognized by search engines for what we specialize in.
  3. I write what’s right for you (TM) is how I train new independent agents to search the top carriers to find the policies that solve your life insurance and retirement needs.
  4. I recently turned 65 and after an accident in 2018 where I was rear ended and lost my hearing in my left ear, I wanted to let people know that with the right planning, we can mitigate the risks in life and take care of your family and business.
  5. After the accident I gained 70 pounds and I took a few years to lose that weight. Only by divine providence did I write myself a long term disability policy.
  6. Years of experience allow us to listen rather than sell.
  7. Licensed across the country
  8. No fees-PERIOD! If you want them I’ll refer you to someone who sells stocks.
  9. Referring to number 5, I started to wear untucked shirts and now I’d rather a client learned what it’s all about and get on the same page. So, we’re really life insurance untucked, I’ll make sure you understand your policies. Yes, policies, plural, the wealthy pour premiums into limited pay, high cash value whole life and borrow from themselves.
  10. Don’t just buy a policy, buy a policy with a plan(TM) is the way we work.

How did Chris get started in Life Insurance?

Why change the business name?

Captive vs Independent

Whole Life Insurance


Single Payout Annuities