
Hi! My name is Chris Teter and you will quickly learn I am not your average life insurance agent. Why? Because I live by my words, I write what’s right for you ™ and, Don’t just buy a policy, buy a policy with a plan! ™ See for yourself by watching the short video below.

For as long as we live, we’ll always need income. And the older we grow, the more important it is to secure that income. Guaranteed Lifetime Income is a big need many people have in retirement. The ability to financially sustain oneself after their working days are done is something we all wish to achieve.

But what are our options for income guaranteed for our lifetime?

In an effort  to secure your retirement against market losses we can move your money out of the market while still participating in market gains AND you would  not lose your retirement money during negative market fluctuation.

Now that you’ve watched the video you have a few options. I’m licensed and appointed with top carriers across the country and better yet I do not charge any fees. If you would like to talk more about your particular situation give me a call at (717) 779-5806  or shoot me an email at [email protected].

Or perhaps you’re ready to dive in with the application process. If that’s you visit my page at Ethos Life Insurance HERE.

Lastly, if you’d like to read up on some more info click the images below to download FREE PDFs!

index annuities
discover index annuities
For Those Who Want to Prosper and Thrive in Retirement
Maximize Social Security Income
Six Strategies to Help Retirees Reduce Taxes
How Wealthy People Use Professional Money Management
Avoid Mistakes in Buying LTC Insurance
Annuity Owner Mistakes
Six Best and Worst IRA Rollover Decisions
The Best Way to Buy Sell or Replace Life Insurance
Retire SMART